Category: Elderly Care Indian Land SC

  • What is Sarcoma?

    What is Sarcoma?

    July is Sarcoma Awareness Month. Sarcoma is a kind of cancer that can happen in many different parts of the body. However, it doesn’t just refer to one kind of cancer. Instead, it’s a group of cancers that start in soft tissues and bones. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are in excess of 70 kinds of this disease.


    Kinds of Sarcoma

    What is Sarcoma?
    Elderly Care Indian Land, SC: What is Sarcoma?

    There are two main kinds:
    • Soft Tissue Sarcoma.
    • Osteosarcoma.

    Soft tissue sarcoma occurs in connective tissues. These are the tissues that support, connect, and surround systems within the body. Examples of connective tissues are blood vessels, tendons, fat, muscles, and nerves. Approximately 12,000 cases of soft tissue sarcoma are diagnosed per year.

    Osteosarcoma happens in the bones. It is more common in children and young adults. Around 1,000 cases of osteosarcoma are diagnosed per year.


    Symptoms and Causes
    The symptoms depend on the kind and where it occurs. Soft tissue sarcomas aren’t as easy to find because they may appear anywhere on the body. They begin as a small lump that doesn’t hurt. As the lump gets bigger, it can press on nerves or a muscle, which can be uncomfortable or painful.

    Osteosarcoma causes symptoms that are easier to spot, such as:
    • Bone pain, which might be worse at night. The pain can come and go.
    • Swelling.
    • Limping if the tumor is in the leg.
    • Bones that break easily.

    Cancer changes the DNA in cells so that they grow uncontrollably. Though doctors have a greater than ever understanding of how cancer works, what causes people to get the disease is still unknown. However, doctors have been unable to identify some risk factors for developing sarcoma. Risk factors are things that increase the likelihood of a person getting the disease. Some risk factors are:

    • Radiation Therapy: If your aging relative has had radiation therapy to treat another kind of cancer, they are more likely to get sarcoma.
    • Lymphedema: Lymphedema is swelling that occurs because of a buildup of lymph fluid. Having lymphedema increases the chances of getting angiosarcoma, a specific kind of sarcoma.
    • Chemicals: Having been exposed to certain chemicals, like herbicides or industrial chemicals, increases the risk of the disease in the liver.


    If your aging relative has sarcoma, an elderly care provider can help them during treatment and recovery. An elderly care provider can drive them to treatment appointments. Elderly care providers can also allow them to rest when treatment makes them tired. Elderly care providers can clean the house, cook meals, and do the laundry. And, an elderly care provider can offer emotional support to help them get through the ordeal.


    If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional Elderly Care in Indian Hill, SC,  please call the caring staff at Blue Dot Cares today, (704) 586-9248.



  • Caring for a Loved One with Emphysema

    Elderly Care Indian Land SC

    Emphysema is a chronic lung disease that causes shortness of breath which can interfere with daily activities.  Emphysema usually affects elderly adults even though it begins to develop before a person notices symptoms.  It is caused by damage to the lungs by smoking, exposure to manufacturing fumes, and exposure to air pollution.  These things damage the lungs over time causing emphysema to present itself as a person ages.  If your loved one suffers from emphysema, there are many things you can do to help them to manage the condition and have good quality of life.  There is no cure for emphysema, but there are many treatments that can help your loved one to enjoy their normal activities and slow the progression of the condition.

    If you are caring for an elderly loved one with emphysema, here are a few things you can do to make sure that your loved one stays happy and healthy.  

    • Encourage Them to Visit the Doctor Regularly 

    Help your loved one to not miss appointments and check ups with their doctor or specialist.  In addition, don’t hesitate to make an appointment if you suspect that their symptoms are worsening or that a particularly treatment isn’t working.

    • Help Them Follow Through With Treatments 

    Your loved one should always take their medications as directed by their doctor and follow through with other recommended treatments.  For some, doctors may suggest diet and lifestyle changes which you can help them with and offer support.  Be supportive and encouraging if your loved one has decided to quit smoking.  Quitting smoking can be very difficult and stressful, but it is essential to slowing the progression of emphysema.

    • Help Them to Exercise 

    Even though exercising may seem difficult, it can actually help your loved one to build lung strength.  Make sure that they talk with their doctor about which exercises are safe for them to try and then help them incorporate exercise into their daily routine.  The health benefits of exercise are numerous, and it will also help your loved one to have a happier mood.

    • Help Them Protect Their Lungs 

    Avoiding anything that can irritate the lungs is key.  Take care not to use household products with strong odors or even strong-smelling perfumes or fabric softeners.  Change your loved one’s air filters on the furnace and air conditioner regularly.  In addition, encourage them to get an annual flu shot to prevent respiratory infections.


    If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring a professional Elderly Care Indian Land SC, please call the caring staff at BlueDot Cares today, (704) 586-9248.