Tag: Home Care Services Weddington NC

  • Is There a Balance You and Your Senior Can Reach with Home Care?

    Is There a Balance You and Your Senior Can Reach with Home Care?

    The first time you bring up home care services with your aging adult, she may not be excited about the idea. You may know what they can do for you and your elderly family member, but that doesn’t mean that she’s up to speed on why this is a good solution. Finding a balance with home care services can be tricky, but it’s worth giving it a try.

    Home Care Services Weddington NC - Is There a Balance You and Your Senior Can Reach with Home Care?
    Home Care Services Weddington NC – Is There a Balance You and Your Senior Can Reach with Home Care?

    Work out a Schedule

    If your senior needs around the clock care, you’ve likely already found a solution that works for her situation. So chances are very good that if you and your senior come up with a schedule for home care providers that encompasses only a couple of hours a week or a few afternoons a week, you’ll both be getting what you need.

    Give it a Trial Go

    It’s okay if you or your elderly family member is feeling a little shy about committing. Set an expectation that you’ll give elderly care a trial run. That could mean that you’ll stick with it for a certain amount of time, like a week at a time, or it might mean that you’ll commit to a specific number of visits. However you decide to structure your trial is not as important as giving that trial period your full support.

    Get Specific about Tasks

    Talk with your elderly family member about what types of help she is interested in receiving. You probably also have some ideas about the type of help that you require, as well. Some of the tasks that you both might want to consider getting help with could include:

    • Light housekeeping
    • Shopping and errand running
    • Transportation help
    • Companionship
    • Personal care tasks

    Knowing what each of you expects out of the experience helps you to give the trial run the best chance that you possibly can.

    Take the Time to Talk about It

    Set aside some time to talk with your elderly family member about how she feels about this new experience. Share how you’re feeling, too. This is a great time for you two to talk about what’s working, what isn’t, and how you can adjust so that the situation is more beneficial for both of you.

    When you and your elderly family member can look at this as a partnership, you might find it easier to work together to find the right home care fit for your situation. Keeping your senior involved in the process empowers her and shows her that you value what she has to say.

    If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional Home Care Services in Weddington NC, please call the caring staff at BlueDot Cares today, (704) 586-9248.

  • The First Three Hours Following a Stroke

    The First Three Hours Following a Stroke

    When an emergency occurs, you often have only a split second to react. As a family caregiver, those moments and the choices you make can often mean very different potential outcomes for your parent.

    Home Care Services Weddington NC - The First Three Hours Following a Stroke
    Home Care Services Weddington NC – The First Three Hours Following a Stroke

    One of these defining moments is the choice you make when your parent is having a stroke. Knowing what to look for and getting immediate medical attention can mean the difference between a life of intense physical and mental rehabilitation or a minor inconvenience. There are currently clot-busting drugs on the market that, if administered within the first three hours, may double the chances of a full recovery.

    The Wonder Drug

    Alteplase is the wonder drug. According to the Daily Mail, a study conducted on 3,670 patients showed that “those treated within 90 minutes of their initial symptoms had two and a half times the chance of a good recovery after three months compared with untreated patients. Those given it by four and a half hours had a 22 percent chance of recovery.”

    When to Call 911

    Know these signs so that you are ready in case of an emergency, offering your parent the best chance of recovery. F.A.S.T. is an acronym created by the American Stroke Association to help people remember the symptoms to be aware of that require a quick response.

    F stands for Face Dropping. If your parent smiles and only one side of their mouth turns up, call for your emergency medical response team.

    A stands for Arm Weakness. Ask your parent to raise both their arms straight up. The sign of weakness is if one arm drifts downwards. Other symptoms may be numbness in the affected arm.

    S stands for Speech Difficulty. You may not be able to understand your parent’s words clearly or their speech may be slurred. Ask them to repeat a simple phrase and listen carefully. If you are concerned at all, don’t hesitate to call 9-1-1, even if the symptoms disappear. It may have been a transischemic attack, which is a “mini-stroke” that can lead to a massive one. Note the time that the first symptoms appeared as the emergency medical responders will want to know this information.

    T stands for Time to Call 9-1-1. Don’t hesitate.

    Home Care Services Provider

    If your parent has suffered from the affects of a stroke or other life-altering disease and requires assistance with the daily activities of living, consider contacting a home care services provider. These professionals understand the limitations that your parent may be experiencing. In addition to providing support, care and companionship, they can be your eyes and ears. The risk for a second stroke is highest within the first three months following an initial stroke.

    Resources: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1278172/Stroke-victims-hour-window-clot-busting-drug-Alteplase.html

    If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional Home Care Services in Weddington NC, please call the caring staff at BlueDot Cares today, (704) 586-9248.