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BlueDot Cares in Charlotte Introduces "Caregiver Quarterly" Magazine - and It's FREE!

BlueDot Cares in Charlotte Introduces “Caregiver Quarterly” Magazine – and It’s FREE!

Are you a caregiver to an aging loved one?  About 44 million Americans provide 37 billion hours of unpaid, “informal” care each year for adult family members and friends with chronic illnesses or conditions that prevent them from handling daily activities such as bathing, managing medications or preparing meals on their own.  Caregiver Quarterly is a new magazine that’s purpose is to bring valuable content to the family caregiver.  Please feel free to click though our online magazine or download it for free for easier viewing.


Bluedot Cares
Bluedot Cares

BlueDot Medical has provided over 40,000 local families with quality home medical equipment during the last 13 years.