Elder Care Gastonia NC - Can You Help Your Senior Avoid the Flu This Year?

Can You Help Your Senior Avoid the Flu This Year?

Elder Care Gastonia NC-Flu season lasts for quite a long time and it's important to keep your elder safe from those germs, particularly if she's at risk of bigger problems. Here are some ways you might help her dodge the flu.

Nobody enjoys catching the flu, of course, but for your aging adult the flu can be devastating. Trying as many of these tips as possible ups the chances that you can help your elderly family member avoid getting sick this year.

Elder Care Gastonia NC - Can You Help Your Senior Avoid the Flu This Year?
Elder Care Gastonia NC – Can You Help Your Senior Avoid the Flu This Year?

Talk to Her Doctor

The very first step is to talk to your elderly family member’s doctor. He can let you know just how susceptible to the flu your elder is. He can also help you to understand exactly what complications your senior might face if she does get the flu. A vaccine is likely her best bet to avoid the flu and there are very few reasons that her doctor might advise against her getting vaccinated. If your elder family member needs to take any other precautions, her doctor can give you the details you need to know.

Get Vaccinated Yourself

While you’re talking to doctors, you might want to talk to your own doctor. Getting vaccinated yourself can help to ensure that you don’t inadvertently bring any flu germs to your elderly family member. Encourage any family members, friends, or neighbors who have regular contact with your senior to get vaccinated against the flu as well.

Keep Track of Who’s Sick

It’s not always easy to keep up with who has gotten sick and who is feeling better again, but even a cursory knowledge can help you to avoid trouble. If your aging family member is in close quarters with someone who is or has been sick, she might still be able to catch the flu. So knowing who to avoid for a little while can help your senior to stay healthy.

Wash Hands Frequently

Good hygiene practices are your second best barrier against the flu. You and your elderly family member should both wash your hands frequently so that you’re not transferring germs to noses and mouths. If you’re not sure how to wash your hands most effectively, ask elder care providers if they can show you the best way to wash. Warm water and soap as well as the friction of rubbing your hands together can be incredibly effective against germs.

Following even a few of these tips can help your elder family member to stay as healthy as possible, even if others around her are getting sick with the flu. The sooner you spot the signs of the flu, the quicker you can get her care if she does get sick.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional Elder Care Services in Gastonia NC, please call the caring staff at BlueDot Cares today, (704) 586-9248.

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