Home Health Care Mooresville NC

Ways Older Adults Can Prevent Diabetes

Home Health Care Mooresville NC-The American Diabetes Association reported that about 25.9 percent, or 11.8 million, of Americans over 65 years old have...

Home Health Care Mooresville NC

Home Health Care Mooresville NC

Diabetes is just one of the many chronic illnesses that are common among adults over the age of 65. The American Diabetes Association reported that about 25.9 percent, or 11.8 million, of Americans over 65 years old have diabetes, both diagnosed and undiagnosed. It usually affects elders who are obese or overweight, but can also develop in people with a family history of the disease.

No matter how old your parent is, it is never too to take steps to prevent the disease. Seniors living alone may benefit from the help of a home health care provider who can encourage your loved one to make the following lifestyle and dieting changes for their health.

  • Eat healthy foods. Most people understand how important a well-balanced, healthy diet is, but very few of us follow this type of diet. In order to help ward off diabetes and other health problems, elders should eat a diet that consists of:
    • Whole grains, such as crackers, whole wheat bread, and brown rice
    • A colorful variety of fruits and vegetables
    • Drinking plenty of water instead of fruit juices or soda
    • Dairy products, including low-fat cheese, yogurt, and skim milk
    • Lean meats, including fish and turkey

Portion sizes are just as important as the food we eat. Encourage the elder to fill half of their plate with fruits or vegetables, a quarter with a lean protein, and another quarter of the plate with a whole grain.

  •  Exercise. Regular exercising will help shed the body of unwanted pounds in order to maintain a healthy weight. As long as the doctor approves of physical activity, the senior should try to incorporate some form of exercise in their day for 30 minutes, 5 times per week. Brisk walking, dancing, aerobics, and stretching are all simple exercises older adults can do.
  • Provide support. Elders trying to prevent diabetes will be even more successful with their plan by having a support system. Whether your loved one is hosting a family gathering or someone is stopping by for a quick visit, they will have a better chance of staying on track with these tips:
    •  Provide fruit or vegetable trays for snacks instead of cookies, chips, or other high calorie treats.
    • Invite others to go on walks with the elder around the zoo, park, or mall.
    • Swimming is a great way to reduce stress and pain on the joints. Help your aging parent find a water aerobics or swimming class in their area that is designed for older adults.
    • Help the elder write a plan that includes what their weight loss goal is, how they plan on accomplishing it, how they will get started, and what their reward will be for sticking to the plan.
  • Talk to the doctor. Doctors generally have a trick or two up their sleeves as to how diabetes can be prevented. Pick their brain to find out what plan will help your loved one reach their health goals and prevent this disease from developing.

Source: http://newoldage.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/12/26/diabetes-prevention-that-works/?module=BlogPostReadMore&version=Blog%20Main&action=Click&pgtype=Blogs&region=Body#more-17602


If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Home Health Care Services in Mooresville NC, please call the caring staff at BlueDot Cares today, (704) 586-9248.

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