video chatting

How to Stay Safe and Secure When Video Chatting

Online safety for seniors is achieved when the proper precautions are taken. Consider these safety tips when you are video chatting with others.

Video chatting is an excellent way for seniors to connect with family and friends. Seniors should take certain precautions to ensure their safety. Consider these safety tips when you are video chatting with people on the internet.

Don’t Video Chat With Strangers

Seniors are encouraged to limit video chat conversations to people they actually know. Choose a video chat application such as Facebook Messenger that connects you with family and friends. Deny video chat invitations if you do not recognize the screen name. Hackers can access your personal information during video chat sessions. The best way to protect your information is to avoid communicating with strangers.

Keep Your Personal Information Confidential

Seniors should keep personal information confidential when video chatting with strangers. Create a unique screen name that does not include your real name or geographical location. Refuse to give strangers your name or use a fake name. Contact your local police department if someone in a video chat session requests your bank account number, credit card number or social security number. Seniors should also not rely on internet acquaintances to run errands or help with household chores.

Avoid Intimate Interaction With Others in Video Chats

Online dating is a popular way for seniors to meet new people. Consider joining a dating website such as OurTime that promotes online safety for seniors. Seniors should proceed with caution when taking an online relationship to the next level. Avoid nudity and other intimate behavior in video chat sessions. Many individuals use intimate pictures and videos to blackmail people into giving them large sums of money. Seniors should refuse to pay the money and contact the police immediately if this happens to them.

Don’t Meet Online Acquaintances Too Soon

Seniors should get to know online acquaintances before a public meeting is scheduled. Many people wait several months or even a year to meet an online acquaintance in person. You should never meet an online acquaintance at a private residence. Choose a public place for the first meeting and inform a relative or friend of the meeting. Video chatting for seniors can be dangerous if safety precautions are not taken.

Many seniors use video chat applications to communicate with friends and relatives. Seniors should avoid talking to strangers on the internet. It’s important to keep personal information confidential and refrain from intimate interaction with others in video chats. Seniors should also get to know online acquaintances before a public meeting takes places.

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