caregiver guilt

Managing Caregiver Guilt

Guilt is a common feeling experienced by caregivers. Here's what you can do to manage caregiver guilt if this is something you are dealing with.

Guilt is a common feeling experienced by caregivers. In some cases, you may feel like you are simply not doing enough, and other times you might have concerns about not paying enough attention to non-caregiver responsibilities in your life. Here’s what you can do to manage caregiver guilt if this is something you are dealing with.

Acknowledge Your Guilt

It’s perfectly fine to admit you feel this way, even if it’s only occasionally. Once you admit this to yourself, it will be much easier to come up with an effective game plan to manage feelings of guilt in a way that’s productive and good for you and your senior loved one.

Take Stock of What You Are Doing Well

While you might be overly stressed now, consider the big picture. Look at what you are doing for your loved one and what specific things you are doing to improve their quality of life, and then realize that you are doing the best you can to provide care.

Admit You Can’t Do Everything

You’re only human, so you’ll be less likely to be overwhelmed by guilt if you keep this in mind. Also, understand there will be certain caregiving tasks you naturally excel at and some you don’t. Identify what your strengths are, and don’t be unwilling to ask for help when it’s needed.

Get Support from Friends and Other Family Members

Caregiving shouldn’t be a solitary or burdensome experience. Manage any feelings of guilt you may have and turn to friends, family member, or even a professional counselor for support. Even having a trusted person or experienced therapist to talk to can be extremely beneficial for your own sense of well-being.

Consider Respite Care

You won’t be doing yourself or your senior loved one any favors if you don’t take steps to stay physically and mentally healthy. One way to do this is with temporary relief or respite care, which allows your loved one to be fully cared for as you take time to personally recharge and find more balance in your life.

Another way to manage caregiver-related guilt is to take advantage of the services available from a reputable care provider like BlueDot Cares when you need some help with mom or dad. It’s a cost-effective and personally satisfying way to get the extra helping hand you need to care for your loved one without feeling guilty.

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Bluedot Cares

BlueDot Medical has provided over 40,000 local families with quality home medical equipment during the last 13 years.