caring for parents during quarantine

Providing Home Health Care for Your Parents During Quarantine

Caring for parents during quarantine is possible. Hire a caregiver to provide your parents with home health care while in quarantine with BlueDot Cares.

Caring for your parents during quarantine can seem like an impossible and overwhelming task. The elderly are especially vulnerable to COVID-19, so you need to take great care when attending to them at this time. There are many tasks your elderly parent may need help with, such as making meals, cleaning the home, getting in and out of bed, grocery shopping, and more.

When caring for your parents, make sure to wear a face mask. The mask can help prevent droplets from spreading when you cough or sneeze. While you may not think you have COVID-19, you could be asymptomatic. Make sure that you wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Alcohol-based hand rubs can also be used. Disinfect or wash anything you bring into their home to avoid spreading the virus.

Your parents might get lonely in isolation. When visiting, talk to them about your day or maybe watch some television with them. If you are unable to go visit or can only visit rarely, make sure to call them on the phone frequently. They will appreciate hearing from you. Not only will this help with their feeling of isolation, but it will keep you informed about their needs.

While you might be able to help them with some of their needs, caring for parents during quarantine might not always be possible. You can hire BlueDot Cares to help you with your parents’ home health. Home care is an essential service, so BlueDot caregivers are available to provide your parents with home care assistance during the quarantine. BlueDot Care offers a variety of home health care services, so your parents can get the most out of their in-home care.

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Bluedot Cares

BlueDot Medical has provided over 40,000 local families with quality home medical equipment during the last 13 years.