Bluedot Cares wants to congratulate Sheronda Bowick @BrookdaleSouthPark for her son being recruited to play football at Virginia Tech! Brookdale South Park and Ashleigh Box with Bluedot Cares threw Sheronda an awesome surprise party this week. We were able to celebrate with their staff and some residents. Congrats Sheronda! Go Hokies!
Tag: Homecare Charlotte NC
6 Strategies to Encourage a Loved One with Dementia to Eat
Homecare Charlotte NC
It’s frustrating when a loved one with dementia won’t eat. You know that she needs to get some nutrients into her body, but she’s just not interested. Try some of these ideas.
Invite Her to Stay in the Kitchen While You Cook
Sometimes a loved one with dementia isn’t interested in eating because they either don’t smell the food as well anymore or they feel removed from the process. Invite your loved one to stay in the kitchen with you while you cook. The odors from the foods are stronger when you’re cooking than when they’re on the plate and you might be able to convince her to help a bit.
Serve Smaller Meals
Your loved one’s appetite may simply be smaller than it used to be. There could be reasons for this, such as medication, or your loved one may not be as active as she used to be. Serving smaller meals can be the answer to this problem because a plate full of food can be intimidating to someone with no appetite.
Choose Dishes Carefully
If you’re trying to convince your loved one to eat foods that you know she doesn’t like or that are difficult to eat, that could be the source of your problem. Consider trying finger foods or dishes that are either her favorites or very similar in flavor. Stick with simple meals when possible.
Eat with Your Loved One
Family caregivers are often extremely busy and you may be using meal time with your loved one as a chance to catch up on tasks that need done around the house. Try instead sitting down with your loved one and eating with her. It’s not unusual for people to dislike eating alone, which can dampen appetite considerably.
Let Your Loved One Eat Dessert First
If you’re worried about your loved one’s nutrition, chances are that desserts are not on the menu all that often. Your loved one might really enjoy them, though. Try looking for recipes that are healthy but also delicious. Chocolate pudding made with avocado is a fantastic way to introduce fiber and healthy fats. Brownies made with black beans can do the same. Neither of these dishes taste like avocado or black beans, too, making them excellent desserts.
Keep Appointments with Her Doctor and Dentist
Your loved one might have some aches, pains, or other health problems that significantly affect her appetite. Keeping up with these appointments ensures that you can find potential problems before they become severe for your loved one.
If you’re still having trouble, ask your loved one’s elderly homecare providers what else you might have luck trying. They often have experience with loved ones who aren’t interested in eating and can give you tricks that can help.
If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional Homecare Services in Charlotte NC, please call the caring staff at BlueDot Cares today, (704) 586-9248.