Category: Uncategorized

  • 3 Winter Safety Tips for Seniors

    3 Winter Safety Tips for Seniors

    Winter is a time when the well-being of seniors is especially vulnerable. It is important to take note of preventative measures you can take to ensure your senior citizen stays safe. Here are three winter safety tips for seniors.

    Do Not Slip

    Older people are especially vulnerable to complications from slips and falls. Younger people tend to heal relatively quickly when they fall. The muscles and bones of younger people are generally stronger and can withstand more force. Older people have more fragile bones that are more likely to break from slips and falls. In an older person, broken bones take more time to heal and can lead to other health complications for the person.

    This is why it is especially important to focus on winter safety for seniors. The winter poses unique challenges to senior safety due to the snow, cold and ice. People have to bundle up in more layers of clothing—layers that they can trip on. The snow and ice create a slippery environment where it is much easier to fall.

    To increase winter safety, make sure that they have shoes that provide them with enough traction. If the bottom of a cane is worn out, replace it. Some articles of clothing may be too long or get in the way. If this is the case, alter the articles of clothing so that they don’t pose a potential problem.

    Dress For the Weather

    A significantly large portion of people who die from hypothermia are over the age of 65. To prevent hypothermia, an older person should be dressed in clothing that will keep him/her warm. Opt for clothing that is practical—not just fashionable. A lot of people tend to wear clothes that aren’t warm enough just because they are fashionable, and they go so far as to dress vulnerable family members, such as small children, in clothes that aren’t really meant for the weather.

    Be Mindful About Diet

    It is important to be mindful about the diets of older people. This is because weather can make it more difficult for older people to go grocery shopping. Make sure that older people have a variety of different foods readily available so that they do not suffer from nutrient deficiencies.

    BlueDot Cares can help your elderly loved one navigate the winter season by providing 5-star home health care. Learn about our services and give us a call before the weather gets too harsh!

  • Helping Seniors with Money Management

    Helping Seniors with Money Management

    Entering the twilight years can be a very beautiful thing. Of course, there are some things to be mindful about. Many seniors no longer earn an income, so money management is more important than ever before. Part of proper senior care is helping with the finances. Here are some tips to help seniors with money management.

    1. Talk About Scams

    Unfortunately, some people will take advantage of seniors for their money. They may be disguised as charities or even a government organization. Tell the senior in your life not to provide their social security number unless absolutely necessary and to talk to someone before making suspicious payments.

    2. Plan for Final Expenses

    While it’s an unpleasant topic, it’s important to go over plans for a celebration of life when your loved one passes, and how that celebration will be covered. Otherwise, it may fall on you or the other people in their lives.

    3. Consider Ways to Save Money

    Look for ways to save your loved one’s money by going through their bills with them. They may be paying for channels or services that they don’t need. Senior care can be quite expensive, so it might be nice to talk about an alternative housing situation, such as living with a family member. The money can be spent on more entertaining things, like a vacation, or more responsible things, like a grandchild’s college education.

    4. Be Patient

    As people get older, they might not have the most positive reaction to getting help with their finances. Try to understand how difficult this can be for them. Be patient. If they still have the ability to manage most things themselves, it’s good to step back until necessary.

    Not having an income makes things extremely difficult. Social security simply doesn’t cover everything. Use these tips to help your loved one remain comfortable for as many years as they are blessed with. If you or your elderly loved one need assistance with any aspect of their lives, call BlueDot Cares. We provide many home health care services to make you and your loved one’s lives easier.

  • Signs that a Senior Driver May Need to Hang Up the Keys

    Signs that a Senior Driver May Need to Hang Up the Keys

    No one wants to admit they can’t drive any longer due to old age. Unfortunately, this means that someone may need to keep an eye out. While it can be a very uncomfortable conversation with a senior driver, it needs to be done for the safety of the driver and others on the road. Here are signs that driving is becoming dangerous for an older person.

    1. Close Calls
    We all have close calls every now and then. However, when the close calls are happening more and more often, it’s a sign that it might be time to hang up the keys. One day, the close call might not be a close call but instead an accident that can injure the senior driver, pedestrians, or other drivers.

    2. Delayed Responses
    As we get older, our reflexes tend to slow down. For a senior driver, a delayed response can have dangerous consequences. If you notice your loved one responding to situations slower, it might be best to stay off the road.

    3. Physical Limitations
    Some physical problems can make it difficult to move and maneuver things like you once used to. If someone is having physical problems, this could impede his or her ability to drive. This is true when it comes to ailments like arthritis, MS, brittle bones, and a number of other problems.

    4. Lack of Confidence
    Some older people simply lose their confidence. The world gets scarier. Stimulation can be overwhelming. If someone isn’t comfortable behind the wheel, he or she should have a home care professional help with transportation.

    Luckily, there are a number of senior transportation options, especially with home senior care agencies like BlueDot Cares. Home care workers can help with driving as well. If you start to notice these signs, simply contact us today. You can still live an extremely fulfilling life without risking it by driving.

  • Carolina Impact Shares the Struggles of Caring For an Aging Parent

    Ramona Holloway of the Matt & Ramona show on WLNK in Charlotte is experiencing a major life change as she is caring for a parent who was diagnosed with dementia. BlueDot’s caregiving team has appreciated the opportunity to help with Ramona’s home care services for her mother, Wheezy.

    “Dementia is one of the few diseases that is harder on the caregiver than the patient,” Ramona says.

    Watch the full clip below.

  • Senior Activities To Enjoy With Your Grandchildren

    Senior Activities To Enjoy With Your Grandchildren

    Limited mobility should not hinder a grandparent’s ability to bond with their grandchildren. Creating special moments and memories with your grandchildren is a privilege for every grandparent. Depending on your interests and level of mobility, you can invite your grandchildren to participate in senior activities you already enjoy. Here are some creative and fun activities to do with your grandchildren.

    1. Introduce Your Grandchildren to New Activities

    Do you play the piano? Invite your grandchildren to sit beside you on the piano bench and teach them how to play a short duet like “Heart and Soul.” If you knit, grab extra supplies and teach them the difference between a knit stitch and a purl stitch. If jigsaw puzzles are your thing, let your grandchildren choose your next scene and work on it together at each visit until it’s complete.

    2. Go Out on the Town

    Take a trip to the movie theater or invite your grandchildren to your next bridge night. Visit a museum or the library and then share a meal together. A regularly scheduled lunch or coffee date to your favorite place can serve as the backdrop for special moments and conversations you’ll all cherish.

    3. Bond With Your Grandchildren Over Music and Literature

    The next time you visit with your grandchildren, take some time to gather some of your favorite songs or stories and share these with your grandchildren. Play music from your school days and ask them what they think. Read them an excerpt from your favorite book. Ask them to share their favorite stories and songs the next time you visit.

    4. Create Something With Your Grandchildren

    Kids love doing anything hands-on. What better way to spend an afternoon with your grandchildren than baking cookies together or painting on canvas with “real” paint. If you have a knack for arranging flowers or wreath-making, get your grandkids involved and let them share their creativity with you.

    5. Ask Them to Teach You Something

    Children love to show grown-ups what they can do or what they know. The next time you see your grandchildren, ask them to teach you how to play their favorite video or computer game. They’ll surely get a kick out of teaching you how to play a “kid” game.

    At BlueDot Cares, we want to help you bond with grandchildren and create memories that last a lifetime. We hope these activities to do with your grandchildren will inspire you on your next family visit. We offer a variety of senior care services that you can depend on such as housekeeping, preparing meals, or running errands in advance of a visit. Contact us today and find out how we can do the heavy-lifting by providing senior care services that allow you to focus on the people and the activities you love.

  • The Importance of Daily Human Interaction for Seniors

    The Importance of Daily Human Interaction for Seniors

    Many different things go into the aging process. People who are getting older often experience persistent aches and pains that can make getting around their homes a lot tougher. They often experience serious feelings of isolation as well. Life transitions can sometimes make dealing with aging rather difficult, and a lack of daily human interaction for seniors only makes this transition harder.

    Thankfully, there’s an answer on hand. That answer is to prioritize routine interactions with living and breathing human beings who genuinely care. BlueDot Cares is a highly regarded home care agency that assists senior citizens with all different aspects of day-to-day existence. Our thoughtful and capable caregivers assist seniors with everything from opening mail to handling weekly grocery shopping duties. They even offer senior citizens who feel lonely and isolated the gift of pure companionship. Our home care services genuinely cover all the bases.

    Why Routine Human Interaction Is Critical for All Senior Citizens

    Why exactly is routine interaction with human beings so imperative for any and all senior citizens? Lack of human contact can be detrimental to people. It can dull the brain and harm cognition abilities. It can bring on intense feelings of anxiety, frustration and loneliness in general. It can feel great for senior citizens to let their feelings out to others. Communication can be a priceless tool for aging individuals who want to remain 100 percent sharp and focused.

    BlueDot Cares is a full-service agency that truly grasps the power of human interaction for seniors. That’s the reason we have some of the most devoted and seasoned caregivers on our side. Our caregivers can give senior citizens interaction that’s patient and attentive as can be. If you want to safeguard a dear senior citizen in your life from feelings of isolation and alienation, then nothing can top the joys of routine interaction. Our caregivers ask senior citizens about how they feel. They make a point to address any and all of their concerns in vivid detail. Our home care services can come in handy for seniors who are waiting for practical assistance. They can come in handy for seniors who simply long for interaction and company, too.

    Contact the Hard-Working BlueDot Cares Crew

    Are you trying to find a home care agency that has a superb track record? Call the staff at BlueDot Cares A.S.A.P. to learn more about our specialties.

  • Recognizing Signs of Dementia

    Recognizing Signs of Dementia

    Aging can be a wonderful thing in some ways. It can bring wisdom and feelings of serenity. There are also some difficulties associated with the natural process, however. It’s not atypical for people who are getting older to develop serious cognitive decline. It’s not atypical for them to develop a condition that’s referred to simply as “dementia,” either. If you know a wonderful older person, then it may help you considerably to be able to detect signs of dementia.

    Typical Signs of Dementia

    If you suspect that an older person in your world has dementia, then you should seek prompt assistance for him or her. Looking into your choices in a home care agency may be best. Elderly care can come in handy for older individuals who are struggling with their memories and beyond.

    An individual who has dementia may no longer be able to recall things well. If you know someone who has experienced substantial loss of memory, then dementia could be behind everything.

    People who have dementia are in many cases unable to handle things that in the past were so basic and normal to them. A person who has dementia may seem to “forget” how to do the dishes, for example.

    Individuals with dementia often aren’t able to prepare for situations. They’re in many cases unable to take care of dilemmas that in the past would have been basic and straightforward for them.

    Dementia often makes individuals put items in random and inexplicable spots. If you have an elderly parent who puts books, clothing pieces and the like in inexplicable parts of the home, then dementia could be the reason.

    People who have dementia in many cases aren’t able to write and speak as clearly and easily as they did in the past. If you have an older parent who seems to have issues pronouncing words and putting standard sentences together, dementia could be the trigger.

    Contact BlueDot Cares for More Elderly Care Options

    Blue Dot Cares has extensive experience caring for dementia patients in the Charlotte, NC area. Check out this short clip of Ramona Holloway of the Matt & Ramona show on WLNK sharing her experience caring for her mother who has dementia.

    Caring for a Parent with Dementia

    If you’re searching for a home care agency that’s associated with five-star assistance with dementia, then you need BlueDot Cares. Call us at any time to find out more about the signs of dementia. Contact us for more about our professional assistance with elderly individuals, too.

  • How Seniors Can Overcome Boredom

    How Seniors Can Overcome Boredom

    While selecting a home health care agency for your loved one, remember that senior activities are vitally important for mental and physical well-being. Here are some of the benefits associated with remaining active as a senior citizen.

    Benefit 1: Preventing Depression or other Mood Disorders

    Active seniors are less likely to develop depression or other mood disorders that include anxiety or anger issues. By participating in daily exercise classes or visiting museums, the human brain is stimulated. The glands in the body will produce hormones that can help someone to feel happier and free of stress.

    Benefit 2: Improving the Body’s Mobility

    With professional senior care, your loved one will have assistance with standing, sitting or walking, but when the individual is participating in fun senior activities, the senior is more likely to have an improvement in muscle tone and bone strength.

    Benefit 3: Helping to Prevent Dementia Conditions

    One of the main reasons for hiring a home health care assistant is because a senior citizen is in the earliest stages of dementia. By remaining active, it is possible to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. While some active seniors are more concerned about physical mobility, others want to keep the brain synapses in optimal condition by completing jigsaw puzzles or working on word search pages.

    Benefit 4: Disease Prevention

    There are studies that reveal that senior care that includes socializing can help with the prevention of health problems that include heart disease or diabetes mellitus. Physical activity that includes assistance from a home health care professional can help an individual to maintain or lose weight.

    Benefit 5: Reducing Chances of Falling

    Falling is one of the most common problems that occur to elderly individuals, and this is associated with the changes in mobility and visual acuity. With physical exercise, a senior citizen will notice an improvement in balancing and walking to avoid a fall that can lead to a broken hip or a head concussion.

    Benefit 6: Quality of Life

    Remaining physically sedentary and mentally inactive will undermine a senior citizen’s quality of life. Remaining active each day at home or away from home can help an elderly individual to have a life that is more complete.

  • Tips for Staying Heart Healthy

    Tips for Staying Heart Healthy

    Suggestions for Keeping Your Heart Wonderfully Healthy

    Aging is 100 percent natural. It also often involves having to pay more attention to health matters. People who are older tend to be a lot more vulnerable to all kinds of health-related difficulties. They often are a lot more vulnerable to cardiovascular troubles, too. If you want to keep your heart healthy, there are various things that can assist you greatly.

    Consume a Nutritious Diet

    Nutritious eating habits can go a long way for people who want their hearts to be healthy. Just say no to foods that are immoderately high in fat. Go for balanced and wholesome foods including fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. Resist the urge to chow down on fast food. Resist the urge for things that are fried and excessively greasy, too.

    Make Regular Exercise Sessions a Top Priority

    If you want to keep your cardiovascular system in outstanding condition, then you need to get exercise on a regular basis. Getting sufficient exercise can make you a lot less vulnerable to all kinds of major health conditions. It can help you keep your weight in check. It can help you steer clear of obesity, heart attacks, coronary artery disease, heart muscle disease, heart failure and a whole lot more. If you want to feel fit as a fiddle for your entire life, then going for exercise consistently can work. Try brisk outdoor walks at the park. Try signing up for a membership at your local gym as well. It can help to use the elliptical trainer or the treadmill.

    Take Charge of Your Emotions

    Intense emotions and feelings of frustration aren’t beneficial for wellness. If you want your heart to be in fantastic condition, then you need to take charge of your nerves. You should make a point to take it easy any time you can. Go for soothing strolls amidst the greenery. Read a book that makes you laugh, too.

    If you want to find out more about senior health and elderly care matters, then we want to speak to you here at BlueDot Cares. Our senior health and elderly care savvy is unrivaled. We’re a home care agency that goes the extra mile.

  • Dependable Senior Transportation in Charlotte and Cleveland

    Dependable Senior Transportation in Charlotte and Cleveland

    A Home Care Agency That Goes Above and Beyond

    Life can sometimes be complicated for people who are getting up there in age. It can often be frustrating for senior citizens to move around by themselves. It can in many cases be stressful for them to have to tackle all sorts of transportation requirements as well. Luckily, we’re a credible home care agency that can assist senior citizens in Cleveland, Ohio and Charlotte, North Carolina with all kinds of requests. We even give our customers five-star elderly transportation service, believe it or not. When you need senior transportation in Charlotte or Cleveland, then all you have to do is give us a shout. Our senior mobility service covers all of the bases and more. It’s punctual as can be, first of all. It’s secure and safe. It’s pleasant and welcoming. Our vehicles are maintained wonderfully and because of that are remarkably safe.

    When Can Our Senior Mobility Service Come in Handy?

    Assistance with elderly transportation matters can often come in handy. It can come in handy for seniors who have to get to appointments with doctors on time. If you have a parent who needs to visit the doctor once a week, we can give him or her transportation assistance that’s of world-class caliber. We don’t limit ourselves to aiding senior citizens who need to travel to medical appointments, however. Our transportation assistance can be fitting for all kinds of situations. Senior citizens are exactly like everyone else in that they need to go to supermarkets to pick up ingredients and meals. They’re just like other people in that they sometimes attend social gatherings with their peers, too. If you’re trying to acquire safe and methodical transportation for your favorite senior citizen, then our company is undoubtedly the way to go for you.

    Why Our Senior Transportation in Charlotte and Cleveland Is Tops

    Our senior transportation assistance leads to communities that are a lot safer. It can sometimes be hazardous for senior citizens to drive alone. It can be particularly hazardous for senior citizens who feel frail and who have any issues that involve eyesight. If you’re trying to promote optimal safety and wellness for all, then nothing can be better than our senior citizen transportation assistance. Our elderly transportation service can contribute to day-to-day lifestyles that are simultaneously pleasant and hazard-free. Contact our patient staff to find out more.