Category: Uncategorized

  • 3 Virtual Activities You Can Do with Your Loved Ones

    3 Virtual Activities You Can Do with Your Loved Ones

    Since the COVID-19 crisis began, families have been practicing social distancing. Still, there are many ways to connect with your loved ones from afar. For instance, there are many virtual activities you can do with your loved ones.

    Try Video Conferencing
    There are online conferencing programs that you can download for free. These programs allow you to use both picture and audio to see and speak with people via computer. The programs are easy to use, and you could even set up daily or weekly appointments to meet with your family and friends. It’s the closest thing you can get to a face-to-face meeting with someone.

    Listen to Audiobooks
    Several online programs allow you to download audiobooks on your smartphone. Your local library may even have free apps you can download using your library card. Once you download an app, you can listen to your books while traveling to appointments or doing errands. You can choose the same audiobook as a family member and listen to it during the same week. Then, chat via phone or computer to discuss what you liked or disliked about the book. You can even create your own book club.

    Play Virtual Games
    If you enjoy card games or word games, you will find plenty of virtual activities you can do with your loved ones. Many sites on the web allow you to play games with a friend. As long as you’re both logged on to the site at the same time, you can play either with or against each other. Some people even host online card parties that involve more than two players.

    You can combat the loneliness of social distancing by staying in contact with your family via phone and computer. Try video conferencing, playing games and listening to audiobooks. You may be surprised at how connected and satisfied these activities can make you feel.

  • Encouraging Loved Ones While You’re Stuck at Home

    Encouraging Loved Ones While You’re Stuck at Home

    Many counties and states issued stay at home orders to protect the community from COVID-19. Seniors often experience anxiety and depression when they live alone. Older individuals with mobility challenges also struggle with daily tasks. Consider these tips for encouraging loved ones while stuck at home.

    Suggest Meal Preparation Services

    Seniors with chronic health problems should avoid grocery stores and other public places. There are a variety of meal preparation services that deliver food to your door. Dietary restrictions prevent many seniors from using meal preparation services. Consider using a meal preparation service with a home care provider for special dietary needs.

    Schedule Regular Conversations

    It’s important to maintain communication with loved ones when you are stuck at home. A short phone call can lift the spirits of a senior living alone. Install a video chat application on your cell phone or use Facebook Messenger to make conversations more personal. You can also greet friends and relatives through a screen door or window.

    Sign Up For Errand Service

    Consider hiring an errand service for elderly parents or grandparents. An errand service picks up groceries, takes mail to the post office and performs tasks requiring travel. It’s important to practice social distancing guidelines when an errand service representative visits your home. Advise your loved one of safety precautions such as keeping banking and credit card information private. Many home care providers offer errand service for seniors.

    Hire Housekeeping Services For Seniors

    Many seniors depend on family members for help with household chores. Hire a professional housekeeping service for your loved one until the stay at home order ends. Many cleaning services are not considered an essential business. Contact a home care provider to discuss available housekeeping services. Professionals should be screened for COVID-19 symptoms before they enter your relative’s home.

    Suggest Fun Activities

    One of the best ways to prevent anxiety and depression is to stay active. Send your loved one a list of popular shows on Netflix. Purchase crossword puzzles and mail them to relatives and friends. Encourage fun activities such as reading, painting and gardening. Suggest daily walks, but remind seniors of social distancing guidelines.

    Seniors struggle with anxiety and depression during prolonged periods of isolation. Communicating with loved ones is one of the best ways to help seniors. Encourage your loved one to sign up for meal preparation, housekeeping and errand services. Suggest fun activities for seniors such as puzzles and painting.

  • How To Stay Close To Your Elderly Parents During Social Distancing

    How To Stay Close To Your Elderly Parents During Social Distancing

    Staying in touch during quarantine is important, but it is especially crucial when it comes to your loved ones, like elderly parents or grandparents.

    Many older citizens might already feel isolated because of advancing age and medical issues unrelated to COVID-19, but forcing them to give up their social life and regular routines can be a particularly difficult blow to them. Given their high-risk category, however, it’s important that we do all we can to support them while reducing their risk of contracting this illness. Even when you’re unable to see your loved ones face-to-face, there are still plenty of ways you can be present in their life and let them know that you’re thinking of them.

    With so many people stuck at home and looking for things to do, here are a few ways you can check in on your loved ones:

    • Pick up the phone and contact them on a daily basis. Make sure they’re getting the nutrition that they need from their meals, and that they’re taking care of themselves.
    • Suggest a fun hobby they can learn, especially if it’s something they’ve always wanted to try.
    • Drop off a deck of cards or a few books they might like to read.
    • Look into home health care services that can provide them with the resources they need while isolated.
    • To keep your loved ones safe, contact them to get a list of groceries that they need, and leave it on their doorstep with a nice card. They will be appreciative to know that you’ve gone out of your way to care for them.
    • Find a user-friendly tablet and install video conferencing software on it so it’s ready to go for them. Leave a note with simple instructions on how to use it, and schedule a time at least once a week to chat with them on screen.

    Although staying in touch during quarantine can be difficult, it’s more important than ever that we all go the extra mile to take care of our loved ones. By asking what they need and finding unique ways to stay in touch, they’ll be able to come out of isolation feeling loved and appreciated.

  • Providing Home Health Care for Your Parents During Quarantine

    Providing Home Health Care for Your Parents During Quarantine

    Caring for your parents during quarantine can seem like an impossible and overwhelming task. The elderly are especially vulnerable to COVID-19, so you need to take great care when attending to them at this time. There are many tasks your elderly parent may need help with, such as making meals, cleaning the home, getting in and out of bed, grocery shopping, and more.

    When caring for your parents, make sure to wear a face mask. The mask can help prevent droplets from spreading when you cough or sneeze. While you may not think you have COVID-19, you could be asymptomatic. Make sure that you wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Alcohol-based hand rubs can also be used. Disinfect or wash anything you bring into their home to avoid spreading the virus.

    Your parents might get lonely in isolation. When visiting, talk to them about your day or maybe watch some television with them. If you are unable to go visit or can only visit rarely, make sure to call them on the phone frequently. They will appreciate hearing from you. Not only will this help with their feeling of isolation, but it will keep you informed about their needs.

    While you might be able to help them with some of their needs, caring for parents during quarantine might not always be possible. You can hire BlueDot Cares to help you with your parents’ home health. Home care is an essential service, so BlueDot caregivers are available to provide your parents with home care assistance during the quarantine. BlueDot Care offers a variety of home health care services, so your parents can get the most out of their in-home care.

  • Benefits of Joining a Caregiver Support Group

    Benefits of Joining a Caregiver Support Group

    According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), nearly one-quarter of adults cared for a family member in the past month. Caregiving can quickly turn into an all-consuming endeavor with full-time hours and skyrocketing stress levels. Fortunately, a caregiver support group can help you form a community focused on caring for you.

    You Are Not Alone

    Joining a caregiver support group puts you in contact with others who know what it’s like to maintain two homes at once or to squeeze grandma’s appointments into an already full workday. Sit, listen, and feel at home. When it’s your turn to talk, expect unconditional acceptance from others who are walking down a similar path.

    You Can Find Better Ways

    While you’re listening to others, you’ll learn how they’ve approached caregiving. Some of the strategies they share might work quite well for you. Others might not be right for your family or personal situation. Listen with an open mind that includes a willingness to try new things, and you may find a solution or two to your caregiving challenges.

    More Help Is Available Than You Know

    Some individuals attend caregiver support groups for a decade or more. People with this kind of experience provide a wealth of knowledge regarding community resources and other helpful information. If you need some help making sure dad eats a nutritious lunch or gets a nice clean shave before leaving for the day, ask others in the group. There’s a good chance that at least one of them can provide you with a name or two for high-quality professional services.

    Caring for an aging parent or grandparent is a rewarding and rigorous endeavor. To succeed, you must surround yourself with as many knowledgeable and caring people as possible. Joining a caregiver support group will help you meet and even grow to love the challenge of caregiving.

  • Managing Caregiver Guilt

    Managing Caregiver Guilt

    Guilt is a common feeling experienced by caregivers. In some cases, you may feel like you are simply not doing enough, and other times you might have concerns about not paying enough attention to non-caregiver responsibilities in your life. Here’s what you can do to manage caregiver guilt if this is something you are dealing with.

    Acknowledge Your Guilt

    It’s perfectly fine to admit you feel this way, even if it’s only occasionally. Once you admit this to yourself, it will be much easier to come up with an effective game plan to manage feelings of guilt in a way that’s productive and good for you and your senior loved one.

    Take Stock of What You Are Doing Well

    While you might be overly stressed now, consider the big picture. Look at what you are doing for your loved one and what specific things you are doing to improve their quality of life, and then realize that you are doing the best you can to provide care.

    Admit You Can’t Do Everything

    You’re only human, so you’ll be less likely to be overwhelmed by guilt if you keep this in mind. Also, understand there will be certain caregiving tasks you naturally excel at and some you don’t. Identify what your strengths are, and don’t be unwilling to ask for help when it’s needed.

    Get Support from Friends and Other Family Members

    Caregiving shouldn’t be a solitary or burdensome experience. Manage any feelings of guilt you may have and turn to friends, family member, or even a professional counselor for support. Even having a trusted person or experienced therapist to talk to can be extremely beneficial for your own sense of well-being.

    Consider Respite Care

    You won’t be doing yourself or your senior loved one any favors if you don’t take steps to stay physically and mentally healthy. One way to do this is with temporary relief or respite care, which allows your loved one to be fully cared for as you take time to personally recharge and find more balance in your life.

    Another way to manage caregiver-related guilt is to take advantage of the services available from a reputable care provider like BlueDot Cares when you need some help with mom or dad. It’s a cost-effective and personally satisfying way to get the extra helping hand you need to care for your loved one without feeling guilty.

  • Free Online Caregiver Resources

    Free Online Caregiver Resources

    When You Need Help With Your Elderly Parents

    It can be overwhelming to be responsible for the needs of an older family member, particularly when they have no desire to be placed in a long term care facility. Caregiver resources can be an excellent place to start to find help for your loved one, as well as relieve some of the stress from your life. It’s not always easy when you’re choosing to let someone else into your life to lift the heavy burden that can mount when you are responsible for providing care for another person. This is especially true when the person you need help with is the person who took care of you all of your life.

    Caregiver resources include ensuring all a person’s needs are met when your loved one is unable to do so on their own. These needs include the most basic, such as feeding and making sure medications are given appropriately, as well as the broader needs that occur when a person is growing older. Other important activities that you need for your loved one include ensuring transportation to appointments and making sure your loved one isn’t lonely. You want to ensure that your loved one’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs are all being considered when you are choosing to utilize home care services. Each aspect of care is crucial when looking for the right provider to come into your life and home.

    Our aging loved ones may not be willing or able to accept that they no longer have the capacity to do everything for themselves anymore. As the person who is looking after their needs, it’s vital not to overlook your own needs in the shuffle. Seeking out caregiver resources not only does wonders for your loved one, it likewise removes some of that weight from your own shoulders. Looking for the best option is a big responsibility and you always want to know you’re putting your parent or other loved one into the hands of someone who will always choose to do what is best and right for the one they are caring for. Let a professional help you every step of the way.

  • How to Reduce Caregiver Stress

    How to Reduce Caregiver Stress

    Nearly 70 million Americans provide some type of care for another family member, oftentimes an older one. If you’re one of them, you know caregiving can absolutely be personally rewarding, but it can also be stressful at times. Reduce your risk of sacrificing your own health by considering the following tips for better managing caregiver stress.

    Don’t Ignore Your Own Health Needs

    If your loved one is showing the slightest signs of not feeling well you probably jump into action right away. But if you ignore your own health needs by putting off doctor’s appointments or ignoring signs that something’s not right, you won’t be doing yourself or your loved one any favors. Be mindful of your own health by:

    • Getting sufficient sleep
    • Keeping up with doctor’s appointments and health screenings
    • Reporting any unusual or lingering symptoms

    Get Help from Others

    You’ll be less likely to be overly stressed if you accept help from other family members or friends willing to lend a hand. Other options include professional care if you need help with mobility and transfers, errands, or routine housekeeping chores for your loved one.

    Find Ways to Take Breaks

    You deserve and need to take breaks for yourself. Even having half an hour or so to yourself each day to go for a walk or just sit and relax can be beneficial. If you have concerns about taking longer breaks, consider respite care. What this does is allow your loved one to receive professional care while you take time to recharge.

    Caregiver stress can also be less of an issue if you explore your options with home-based care services, like what’s offered by BlueDot Cares. Having access to this type of assistance can make it much easier to manage stress and focus more on the positive aspects of caring for a loved one.

  • Preventing Elderly Dehydration

    Preventing Elderly Dehydration

    Dehydration in seniors is an overlooked but potentially quite serious health issue.


    Seniors often stand at an increased risk of becoming dehydrated. The primary reason for this is that an individual’s sense of thirst dissipates as they grow older. Therefore, even in circumstances where the body has lost fluid and needs replenishing, the person in question does not feel such urges and fails to ingest an adequate supply of liquids. Oftentimes, when aged individuals do feel thirsty, their systems might already be in the throes of early staged dehydration.

    Complicating this age-related phenomenon is that many seniors ingest both prescription and over-the-counter medications that might deplete systemic water supply or are stricken with medical conditions of which dehydration might be a symptom or possible complication.

    Further compounding an already potentially serious situation is that the early symptoms of dehydration often go unnoticed or are relatively minor. Unfortunately, afflicted seniors might not realize they are in danger until experiencing more significant manifestations such as confusion or a rapid pulse.

    Preventing Elderly Dehydration

    Fortunately, preventing elderly dehydration might be accomplished by adherence to the following important tips:

    Consuming Water Throughout The Day

    When it comes to drinking water, seniors are strongly encouraged to begin early and end late. Executing said action will ensure that the individual in question obtains a steady flow of liquids each day. Moreover, said individuals are urged to drink even when they do not feel the desire and in colder temperatures.

    Limiting Alcohol And Caffeine Intake

    There is nothing wrong or typically detrimental associated with enjoying a good cup of coffee or a favored adult beverage from time to time. However, alcoholic and caffeinated beverages consumed in excess often elicit a diuretic impact upon the body. Diuretic substances increase production and output of urine. Increased urinary output can lead to rapid loss of fluids and worsening dehydration.

    Identifying Beverages Other Than Water

    Many people do not like the taste of water. Seniors who find themselves in this predicament are strongly encouraged to identify another slightly caffeinated, non-alcoholic beverage of choice. Viable options include milk, fruit juices and decaffeinated sodas and teas.

    Consuming Foods With High Water Contents

    Eating foods with high water concentrations is another productive method preventing elderly dehydration. Such items include produce products such as fruits and vegetables like leafy greens, citrus and berries, various soups, yogurt, cottage cheese and soy milk.

  • Talk With Your Employer in Advance About Elderly Care While You’re At Work

    Talk With Your Employer in Advance About Elderly Care While You’re At Work

    If you are dealing with aging parents, like many people, you may be like many people who are juggling this responsibility along with managing your own life. A full-time job may take up most of your time and energy, but you can still ensure that your loved one has the elderly care he or she needs. Employers and family care benefits can help you coordinate elderly care more effectively and ensure your work duties do not suffer.

    Be Realistic About the Challenges to Your Work Life
    Even if you have elderly care while you’re at work, you may need to take phone calls from caregivers more frequently, which can delay other tasks that may be required. That’s why scheduling elder care while you’re at work can be so critical to ensuring continued good performance on the job, as well as providing appropriate supervision for your loved one.

    Find Out If Your Company Provides Benefits For Elder Care
    Many employers understand that caring for elders can put a strain on time and energy resources. Offering benefit packages that address elder care issues allows workers to stay on the job and fully engaged in their work. Some companies may provide referral services to elder care agencies. Others may provide on-site elderly care as a back-up measure. Other benefits may include counseling for those providing care for elders or ways to connect to support groups for those caring for elder family members.

    Offer Alternatives That Will Satisfy Your Work Responsibilities
    Talk to your employer about ways you can make up for any disruptions that may occur in your work schedule. Offer to come in early or work through lunch breaks. Some positions may allow you to work from home to stay on your usual schedule.

    Maintain A Positive, Can-Do Attitude
    Try to convey the idea that you have a plan for the care of your loved one and can manage the dual responsibilities of work and elderly care. Your employer will be reassured that you will be making a wholehearted effort to manage the challenge of elderly care while you’re at work, along with your usual work tasks.

    Being the main caregiver for an elderly relative is a big responsibility that often requires juggling many tasks. A compassionate and reliable elder care agency such as BlueDot Cares can provide critical day-to-day help, as well as respite care to allow you to refresh you spirit after a hectic week. Take advantage of employers and family benefits to provide the best care for your loved one.